Complete CMD list with description

Persian Netherlands
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Complete CMD list with description

Post by Persian »

ff_springForce Feedback. Simulate the spring.
ff_tensionForce Feedback. The pulling force from the axially device.
ff_usejoyForce Feedback. Use joystick.
ff_usemouseForce Feedback. Use mouse.
fx_loadLoad effects from filename.
fx_saveSave a built effect to file.
joy_advancedupdateApply the advanced axes settings.
-mlookWhen used the mouse forward and back movement will stop to make the player look up and down.
+mlookWhen used the mouse forward and back movement will make the player look up and down.
infoDisplay infos of the server.
sv_precacheSend some server sided data to client.
itemdropRemove your current item.
itemprevSwitch item to the last one.
itemnextSwitch item to the next one.
itemuseUse the current item.
weaponbestunsafeThis will change your current weapon to the unsafest of your inventory.
weaponbestsafeThis will change your current weapon to the safest of your inventory.
weaponloseRemove your current weapon.
weapondropRemove your current weapon.
weaponselectWeapon selection by entering the ID.
weapnextSwitch weapon to the next one.
weapprevSwitch weapon to the previous one.
reloadReload your weapon.
goTeleport upon the vector [x,y,z] desired.
makewpPlaces a waypoint in waypoint edit mode.
makewpjPlaces a waypoint that the bot will jump at in waypoint edit mode.
makewp_nvPlaces a special kind of waypoint, which the bot will be forced to even if it has no visibility. Not recommended unless you absolutely must use it (usually handy if you can't get the bot to use a ladder properly).
makewp_elPlaces an elevator waypoint. The bot will wait at this waypoint until an elevator type entity is under the point. Use these points sparingly and carefully, unless you want the bot getting stuck at elevators a lot.
makewp*_l Appending _l to any makewp command (e.g. makewp_l, makewpj_l, makewp_el_l, etc) will create the point inside a waypoint trail after the waypoint you are currently looking at (meaning the data for the waypoint you're looking at is displayed in the center of your screen). If you are looking at waypoint 93, for example, using makewp_l while looking at that point will insert a waypoint where you're standing as waypoint 94, and bump waypoint 94 up to 95.
remwp_lWorks similarly to makewp_l, except it removes points in the middle of a trail.
remwpRemoves the last placed waypoint in edit mode.
teletowpTeleports to the last placed waypoint in edit mode.
writewpfileWrites waypoints to a file after you're done placing in edit mode.
listpickupsList of all available pickups.
turnonmissionmsgDisplay the mission message to the top of your screen.
turnoffmissionmsgStop the mission message.
givemoretutorialRemove your entire inventory for the .44 pistol.
givesnipertutorialRemove your entire inventory for the sniper rifle.
entlistDisplay a list of entities loaded from BSP.
playerlistShow the list of currently connected players in the server.
teamviewSelect one of your team-members to switch to 3rd person camera view.
gimmeSpawn entity. Followed by entity name.
wavePlayer animation. Followed by a number from 1 to 3 (4 for female skin).
putawayToggle display for either score, help or inventory (disabled).
killallmonstersKill all single player bot(s).
killMake the player commit suicide.
phantomNo clip mode.
ninjaInvisible mode (only for single player).
hereticInvincible mode.
updateinvfinalMax ammo (can stack to the current ammo).
defaultweaponsReset your inventory for the level specific default weapons.
bigelbowSet your inventory with: 100 C4, 100 grenades, 100 flashpacks, night vision, machine pistol, machine gun, slug thrower, rocketlauncher, flame thrower, microwave pulse.
elbowSet current item/weapon(s) list to: 100 C4, 100 grenades, 100 flashpacks, night vision, pistol, pistol2, shotgun, sniper rifle, assault rifle.
playlevelSet current weapon/item to : pistol (132 ammo) and 2 c4.
destroyentsDestroy all entities except lights, equip items and misc items
loadpointLoading AI navigation points from file.
helpDisplay the help screen.
scoreShow player score (default key: Q).
say_teamSend a message to players only on your team.
saySend a message to all players on the server.
playersShow player name and their score.
listignoreCheck the list of ignored player(s).
unignoreAllow access to see message from a specific person. Followed by player name or ID.
ignoreRemove access to see message from a specific person. Followed by player name or ID.
remfaveRemove server into your favourite list. Followed by server IP.
addfaveAdd server into your favourite list. Followed by server IP.
savekeysSave your bind configuration.
saveconfigSave your game configuration.
cl_touchBasically used for map scripting. Makes sure Windows keeps an eye on these files.
reset_prednReset prediction when weapon predicting is enabled.
precacheToggle the preloading of all necessary files before the map starts.
rconUse server command via remote control.
reconnectReconnect to the server.
connectConnect to a game server.
exitExit the game and return to the operating system.
quitExit the game and return to the operating system.
maxfpsfromrateSet the maximum fps via the value from rate.
stopStop the recording of a demo.
recordThis command will start the recording of a game demo.
changingExecute the command for changing map.
snd_restartRestart sound driver.
userinfoDisplay some infos of your client.
skinsShow client list of Team name / skin
pingDisplay the network latency times for all players on the server.
serverstatusWith the server's name or ip. Remotely display some server infos.
pingserversDisplay with some infos of servers located in LAN, Favourites and GameSpy.
pauseTemporarily stop the game.
cmdSend a command directly to the server.
-klookWhen used the forward and back keys will stop to make the player look up and down.
+klookWhen used the forward and back keys will make the player look up and down.
-useWhen used it will stop to activate objects in the game.
+useWhen used it will activate objects in the game.
-weaponExtra2Toggle negatively the extra possible action for the selected weapon.
+weaponExtra2Toggle positively the extra possible action for the selected weapon.
-weaponExtra1Toggle negatively the extra possible action for the selected weapon.
+weaponExtra1Toggle positively the extra possible action for the selected weapon.
-altattackWhen used the player will stop to fire the alternate attack.
+altattackWhen used the player will start to fire the alternate attack.
-attackWhen used the player will stop to fire the gun.
+attackWhen used the player will start to fire the gun.
-speedWhen used the player will walk.
+speedWhen used the player will run.
-leanrightWhen used the player will stop leaning right.
+leanrightWhen used the player will lean right.
-leanleftWhen used the player will stop leaning left.
+leanleftWhen used the player will lean left.
-moverightWhen used the player will stop to move right.
+moverightWhen used the player will start to move right.
-moveleftWhen used the player will stop to move left.
+moveleftWhen used the player will start to move left.
-strafeWhen used the turn left and turn right keys will once again perform their original functions.
+strafeWhen used the turn left and turn right of your mouse will change for strafing functions.
-lookdownWhen used the player will stop to look down.
+lookdownWhen used the player will start to look down.
-lookupWhen used the player will stop to look up.
+lookupWhen used the player will start to look up.
-backWhen used the player will stop to move back.
+backWhen used the player will start to move back.
-forwardWhen used the player will stop to move forward.
+forwardWhen used the player will start to move forward.
-rightWhen used the player will stop to turn right.
+rightWhen used the player will start to turn right.
-leftWhen used the player will stop to turn left.
+leftWhen used the player will start to turn left.
-movedownWhen used the player will stop to move down.
+movedownWhen used the player will start to move down in liquids.
-moveupWhen used the player will stop to move up.
+moveupWhen used the player will start to move up in liquids.
centerviewCenters the player's view.
cdControl the playback of music from the CD.
terrainType of terrain (ex: TRN1). followed by file name.
cloudUsage: cloud <type> <density> <angle> <speed> <red> <green> <blue>
skySet the sky. Followed by name.
sizedownDecrease the screen size for the game.
sizeupIncrease the screen size for the game.
loadingOpen the loading sequence.
timerefreshCalculate the time for the system to render 1 frame.
usermiscDisplay some miscellaneous infos.
userammoDisplay the current user ammo.
useritemsDisplay the current user items.
userweaponsDisplay the current user weapons carrying.
refreshRefreshes the topmost page.
returnDestroys the whole menu system provided there is an active game running in the background.
freshgameStarts a fresh game, bringing up a requester asking if you wish to exit the current game if you are in one.
changepassIf oldpass matches the parental lock password, and newpass is the same as verify newpass, then the parental lock password will be changed. If pass menu is set, then this will be displayed if everything was ok, and if fail menu is set, then this will be displayed if any error occurred.
checkpassChecks password against the parental lock password and displays the pass menu if they match or the fail menu if they don’t.
selectUsed to select items. Used exclusively with the selection area.
menuoffDestroys the whole menu system including all pages currently on the stack.
killmenuIdentical to popmenu, but always pops the page irrelevant of the validity of the page behind or the availability of the console.
popmenuPops the most recent page off the top of the stack as long as there is a valid page behind it. If the most recent page was the only page on the stack, then the menu will only be popped if the console is enabled.
reloadallMarks all pages in the stack to be reloaded when they are next visited. Used to change languages.
intermissionIdentical to the menu command, with the exception that the created page cannot be exited.
menuThis constructs a menu page or redisplays it if it has already been constructed.
viewposView current player origin and angle.
forcesongSelect a background song. Followed my song name (single player map).
soundinfoDisplay detailed information about the current sound settings.
soundlistDisplay a list of all sound files loaded into memory.
stopsoundStop sound for one game frame.
playPlay a sound file.
aviRecord in .avi format.
gl_stringsShow a few graphic card specs.
rawshotTake a picture of the current game screen in RAW format.
screenshotTake a picture of the current game screen in TGA format.
imagelistDisplay the list of images used for the current map and client.
vid_modesShow screen resolution availability.
vid_frontForce the display to use the front buffer.
vid_restartRestart video driver.
concharsShow character &amp; colors availability.
condumpSave client log. Followed by any name to save.
clearClears the console screen of any text.
messagemode2Display the text line for sending messages to players only on your team.
messagemodeDisplay the text line for sending messages to other players.
togglechatToggle the console.
toggleconsoleLower or raise the console screen.
bot_remRemove the last ID bot.
bot_addAdd a bot.
filter_writeWrite the list of banned IP into file.
filter_listShow list of banned player by IP.
filter_removeUnbann a player. Followed by his IP.
filter_addBann a player. Followed by his IP.
updateinvenUpdate current single player weapons and items statistics.
getgamestatsUpdate current single player statistics.
killserverKill the server without exiting the batch file.
wipeDelete saved game. Followed by save name.
loadLoad a saved game.
quickloadSave your current name by 'quick X'. (X = number)
quicksaveLoad from last 'quick save'.
saveSave the current game to a file.
serverstopEnds server demo recording.
serverrecordServer demo recording. Every entity and every message will be recorded, but no playerinfo will be stored. Primarily for demo merging.
unset_dmflagsUnset a value from the list_dmflags.
set_dmflagsSet a value from the list_dmflags.
list_dmflagsDisplay the current dmflags of the server.
gamemapOn a server, you can change maps with two commands: map and gamemap. Map will cause all teams to reset, gamemap will change maps with the teams intact.
demomapPlays a demo. See the map command for more detailed info.
gserver[example: gserver sizematter 1.0], [example: gserver imagelist], [example: gserver autoprep]
savesleftUpdate the number of how many savegame is left available and store its value to menu_savesleft cvar.
newsaveSave your current progress in single player with the default save name.
mapChange the current game map.
dumpuserDisplay some info of the selected user (by using their ID).
serverinfoDisplay some server infos.
statusDisplay information about current server status.
kickRemove a player from the server.
heartbeatSend manually the server infos to the master server.
gsc_banBan a user out of the IRC channel.
gsc_kickKick a user out of the IRC channel.
gsc_gettopicGet a list of topic from the channel you are at.
gsc_settopicSet a topic in the channel you are at.
gsc_getusersList all connected users in the specified channel. -- Usage: gsc_getusers <channel>
gsc_privateSend a private message to a online user. -- Usage: gsc_private <user> <message>
gsc_talkSend a message to the channel you are at. -- Usage: gsc_talk <channel> <message>
gsc_partLeave the selected channel -- Usage: gsc_part <channel> <message>
gsc_joinJoin the room selected in the GameSpy Connect menu.
gsc_getchannelsGet a list of channels in a IRC server from the GameSpy Connect Menu.
gsc_disconnectIRC server disconnection from the GameSpy Connect menu.
gsc_connectConnect to a IRC server from the GameSpy Connect menu.
adddownloadUsage: adddownload <file>
downloadBegin downloading a file by calling the internal function SV_BeginDownload_f.
nextdlProceed downloading the next file by calling the internal function SV_NextDownload_f.
ip_listTo see the IPs.
winstartStart a windows programs from the server.
minimiseMinimise the game software.
disconnectDisconnect from a game server.
subliminalEnable subliminal message.
errorSimulation of a game crash.
z_statsDisplay Z-buffer memory statistics.
dirDisplays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory (may contain ? and * wildcards).
linkCreate a symbolic link to a directory.
pathDisplay information about the current path locations used by the game.
baselinesDeveloper command when loading a map. (Not to be used manually)
beginDeveloper command when loading a map. (Not to be used manually)
configstringsDeveloper command when loading a map. (Not to be used manually)
ghoulstringDeveloper command when loading a map. (Not to be used manually)
bindlistShow list of current bind.
unbindallRemove bindings from all keys.
unbindRemove a binding from a key.
bindAssign a command or a set of commands to a key.
cvarlistShow list of all cvar from your game executable.
zeroClear the value of a cvar.
setenvSet an environment variable in subshells.
ssetSet an environment variable allowing spaces.
setSet an environment variable.
orPerform an "or" operation.
xorPerform an "exclusive or" operation.
andPerform an "and" operation.
addInsert addition in a numerical cvar.
cpuidDisplay some infos of your current cpu.
waitSleep for one game frame.
aliasUsed to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
echoPrint text on the console.
execExecute a console script file.
cmdlistShow list of all command from your game executable.
255 commands

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