Complete CVAR list with description

Persian Netherlands
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Joined: 21 Nov 2011, 18:55

Complete CVAR list with description

Post by Persian »

Note: Some descriptions are copied from various sources

Common Prefix & CVAR FLAG:
No prefix: General
ai_ : Artificial Intelligence
bot_ : Multiplayer "Hidebot"
cd_ : Compact Disc
cl_ : Client
con_ : Client console
fx_ : Effects
g_ : Game module
ghl_ : GHOUL
gl_ : OpenGL
gsc_ : GameSpy Connect
joy_ : Joystick controller
lock_ : Parental control lock
log_ : Logs
m_ : Mouse
net_ : Network
r_ : Renderer
rcon_ : Remote control
s_ : Sound
scr_ : Screen (frame)
sk_ : Single player skill difficulty
stat_ : Statistic
vid_ : Video
win_ : Windows
* CVAR_ARCHIVE Set to cause it to be saved
U CVAR_USERINFO Added to userinfo when changed
S CVAR_SERVERINFO Added to serverinfo when changed
- CVAR_NOSET Don't allow change from console at all, but can be set from the command line
L CVAR_LATCH Save changes until server restart
I CVAR_INT Value is locked to integral
P CVAR_PLAIN Can't increment, decrement, or toggle this guy
CVAR_INTERNAL Can only be set internally by the code, never by the user in any way directly
W CVAR_WEAPON This cvar defines possession of a weapon
I CVAR_ITEM This cvar defines possession of a item
A CVAR_AMMO This cvar defines possession of a ammo
CVAR_PARENTAL This cvar is stored in the registry through special means
NOTE: Some CVAR are built without flag or can become changed.
ai_corpselife *
ai_dumb Debug questionning monsters from their Artificial Intelligence.
ai_editdir * Directory used in the developement with the enemies AI.
ai_highpriority Makes all guys really expensive (turns off culling).
ai_goretest Sets health really high.
ai_freeze Freeze monsters frame animation.
ai_maxcorpses * Set the maximum number of corpses showing on the ground.
ai_pathtest Adds omniscience to guys.
ai_nonodes Disable navigation data. It is likely that the enemies will behave poorly.
ai_spawnfrequency           M Set the frequency rate of spawning monsters.
aipoints_show Print lines and halos to display monsters prediction path.
aidec_show Show enemies AI decision.
ei_show Some entities will display information about their current statement in their function. Developer mode must be activated (set developer 1).
allow_download * Allow client to download.
allow_download_maps * Allow client to download custom map file.
allow_download_models *U Allow client to download custom models file.
allow_download_players * Allow client to download custom skins file.
allow_download_sounds * Allow client to download custom sound file.
allow_download_stringpackage * Allow client to download custom string package (text) file.
base_a44 Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_a556 Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_a9mm Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_aknife Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_armor Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_assault Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_battery Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_c4 Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_flamegun Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_fpak Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_fuel Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_goggles Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_grenade Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_knife Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_machinegun Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_medkit Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_mpistol Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_mpg Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_pistol1 Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_pistol2 Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_rockets Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_rocket Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_shells Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_slug Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_slugger Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_shotgun Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
base_sniper Toggle the availability of selection in the menu outfit.
bot_clientstatus Bots will show on the scoreboard.
bot_configexec Leave this at 1 if you want hidebot.cfg config file to be executed at every level load.
bot_num Setting this enables a constant number of bots on the server. The bot_add/bot_rem/etc. commands can't be used when this cvar is enabled.
bot_waypoints Setting to 0 disables waypoints and enables the fairly primitive auto-roaming system.
bot_wp_edit Setting to 1 before loading a level allows you enter waypoint edit mode, where you can modify an existing route file.
bot_wp_draw Draws waypoints as visible lines while in waypoint edit mode if set to 1.
bot_wp_info Print on screen the informations about the waypoint who is currently the closest to you.
bot_wp_view Shows information about the waypoint you're currently looking at in edit mode if set to 1.
bot_listfile Specifies the name of your bot list file. The default is botlist.txt.
bot_random Setting to 1 adds bots from your bot list file in random order, while 0 adds bots from top to bottom in order.
bot_fillserv Setting this to 1 makes it so bots fill the server up to the value of bot_num, but they always leave one slot open for if a new real player joins the game.
bot_chat Setting to 1 enables chat (for bots which support it), and 0 disables chatting for all bots.
bot_wppref Toggles waypoint preference on and off. If on, bots with a high intelligence level can intelligently roam to hot spots on the level where there might be a powerful weapon or other useful item. Turning this off can take a significant load off of the CPU.
bot_hunt Setting to 0 disables the bot's ability to hunt down enemies using hearing and other factors.
bot_runtact Setting to 0 disables a variety of the bot's running-away tactics (will only be noticable with higher-skilled bots).
bot_notarget Bots will not target enemies while this is set to 1.
bot_oldpathing Setting this to 1 will enable the old pathing method for bots, which differs in various ways but takes much more CPU power.
bot_movetype In v1.0, bot movement are a bit more "sporadic", and they would strafe rapidly while running on their trail. In v1.1, bot movement are more human-like.
bot_smoothnav Turns smooth turning while navigating on and off. Typically used in level config files for when bots need to frequently make sharp turns on a level.
bot_name0 Set bot name.
bot_name1 Set bot name.
bot_name2 Set bot name.
bot_name3 Set bot name.
bot_name4 Set bot name.
bot_name5 Set bot name.
bot_name6 Set bot name.
bot_name7 Set bot name.
bot_name8 Set bot name.
bot_name9 Set bot name.
bot_name10 Set bot name.
bot_name11 Set bot name.
bot_name12 Set bot name.
bot_name13 Set bot name.
bot_name14 Set bot name.
bot_name15 Set bot name.
bot_name16 Set bot name.
bot_name17 Set bot name.
bot_name18 Set bot name.
bot_name19 Set bot name.
bot_name20 Set bot name.
bot_name21 Set bot name.
bot_name22 Set bot name.
bot_name23 Set bot name.
bot_name24 Set bot name.
bot_name25 Set bot name.
bot_name26 Set bot name.
bot_name27 Set bot name.
bot_name28 Set bot name.
bot_name29 Set bot name.
bot_name30 Set bot name.
bot_name31 Set bot name.
bot_teamname0 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname1 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname2 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname3 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname4 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname5 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname6 Set bot team name.
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bot_teamname20 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname21 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname22 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname23 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname24 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname25 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname26 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname27 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname28 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname29 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname30 Set bot team name.
bot_teamname31 Set bot team name.
cd_loopcount The number of times that the looping track will play.
cd_looptrack The number of the music track designated to loop.
cd_nocd * Toggle the use of CD music.
cl_downloading Display the type of the current file downloading.
cl_download_filename Display the location the the file being downloaded.
cl_download_percent Display the percentage of the file being downloaded.
cl_freezequads Pause the current particles (0=no bulletholes, weapon fire particles)
cl_obit_filter      I Option menu: Obitunary filter.
cl_anglespeedkey Sets the multiplier for how fast you turn when running.
cl_pitchspeed The speed at which the commands +lookup and +lookdown work.
cl_yawspeed The speed at which the +left and +right commands make the player turn left and right.
cl_sidespeed The speed at which the player moves left and right.
cl_forwardspeed The speed at which the player moves forward.
cl_upspeed The speed at which the player moves up and down.
cl_showlocation Print's co-ordinates of where your standing.
cl_showfps Prints how much FPS you have.
cl_maxfps Set a maximal frame rate.
cl_minfps Set a minimal frame rate.
cl_predict_weapon     L Toggle the use of weapons prediction.
cl_predict Toggle the use of movement prediction.
cl_footsteps Allows the ability of hearing footsteps.
cl_gun Displays what gun you're holding.
cl_entities Show or hide entities.
cl_quads Show or hide particles.
cl_lights Set the dynamic lighting.
cl_pitchdebug Show the value of Y axis via your position.
cl_speeds Display the rendering performance for the current map.
cl_blend Turns your dynamic light black (flashbangs only).
cl_timeout Time to wait for signal before giving up and assuming disconnected (net play).
cl_stats Show current quads printed in action and total.
cl_testlights Debugs Dynamic Light.
cl_testblend Debugs Dynamic Light (Flashbangs).
cl_nolangames * Hide LAN server(s) from the server list.
cl_showmiss Print any missed prediction.
cl_shownet Toggle the display of information about network packet transmissions.
cl_ffmult * Force Feedback power multiplier.
cl_max_debris * Maximum number of chunks allowed to see in the field (Minimum of 2 is necessary).
cl_max_quads * Maximum number of particles allowed to see in the field.
cl_subtitles * Show subtitle.
cl_run * Always run.
con_maxlines * Maximum lines stored in the console.
con_buffersize * Maximum memory size of text to be kept in the console.
con_notifytime * The time in seconds that messages are displayed on the screen.
control_bonus * S Set bonus point in CONTROL mode.
control_limit * S This is the number of points required to finish a control level.
ctf_loops This is the number of flag captures before the map cycles.
ctf_control_delay_time * This is the number of seconds warmup for CTF, Control and Conquer.
cpu_memory_level On startup, the game will perform a sysinfo and rate your memory performance via a number to execute a config file.
cpu_memory Information about your video memory size.
cpu_memory_using * Specify the rated level your video memory is using.
cpu_speed_level On startup, the game will perform a sysinfo and rate your CPU performance via a number to execute a config file.
cpu_speed Information about your processor speed (in frequency/Hz).
cpu_amd3d    - Information about your processor for the support of 3DNow.
cpu_mmx    - Information about your processor for the support of MMX.
cursor_blink_speed * Name say all.
flood_msgs * Maximum message to be printed in X number of seconds.
flood_persecond * Number of messages allowed through "X" seconds.
flood_waitdelay * Time to wait before you can speak again.
flood_killdelay * Time to wait before you can suicide via 'cmd' again.
fs_createpak Create a text based list of files that are stored in your base folder for creating PAK file.
fx_edit Enable the developer mode for creating effects.
fx_editdir * Specify the directory for creating effects.
fx_maxdebrisonscreen Some textures will throw debris when interacting with them.
g_movescale * S Use this setting to slow down the movement of players. A setting of 0.5 will make everyone move at exactly half speed.
gl_version Display your current OpenGL version.
gl_renderer Show what video card, slot and SIMD?
gl_vendor Show video card company name.
gl_fogdensityrange       P Set the range for the density of the fog.
gl_fogtime       P Set the speed of the fog's movements.
gl_fogend       P gl_fogstart to infinity.
gl_fogstart       P Set the start distance radius of the fog.
gl_fogdensity       P Set the density of the fog.
gl_fogcolor       P Set the color for the fog (RGB).
gl_saturatelighting Toggle the saturation of all lights.
gl_drawbuffer Specify which color buffers are to be drawn into.
gl_drawflat Toggle the drawing of textures on the map.
gl_drawmode Make the walls transparent.
gl_showeffectfill Show the effect ratio the client use in variable.
gl_textureclamp Set a size limit on textures.
gl_lockpvs Potentially Visible Set (PVS). Lock to your current view only.
gl_cull Toggle the use of internal OpenGL functions for removing covered objects.
gl_finish Toggle the calling of the gl_finish() OpenGL function after each rendered frame. This will ensure a proper timing with devices.
gl_ztrick Toggle the use of a trick to prevent the clearning of the z-buffer between frames.
gl_showtris This command toggles a map of triangles that the engine is drawing for the current view.
gl_skymip Toggle the usage of mipmap information for the sky graphics.
gl_nobind Toggle the binding of textures to the appropriate walls and objects.
gl_dynamic Show the dynamic light.
gl_lightmap Toggle the display of all light sources on the map.
gl_log Toggle the logging of all the OpenGL commands.
gl_allow_cds      I
gl_allow_software      I Toggle the emulation of missing OpenGL functions by the game software.
gl_fogverts *
gl_fogmode * Select the fog mode (0 = Normal -- 1 = Additive)
gl_rj * Is Rick Johnson an OpenGL model?
gl_gentextures_broken * User report that this cvar when set to 1, helps fixing issues with textures on Linux systems.
gl_scissor_broken * Make the text appear over the layout in the menus.
gl_swapinterval * This is the time delay between frame swaps as long as gl_ext_swapinterval is enabled. For fastest performance, set this to 0.
gl_s3_s3tc * Toggle the use of S3TC texture compression.
gl_ext_anisotropic * Enable the use of Anisotropic Filtering. Anisotropic filtering will yield significantly reduced texture aliasing & maintain texture sharpness/detail over greater distances.
gl_ext_multitexture * Enable multiple texture processor support.
gl_ext_swapinterval * Setting this to 1 will enable the use of the gl_swapinterval command upon the next vid_restart.
gl_displayrefresh * Set your screen refresh rate. It is better to keep the value at 0.
gl_offsetunits * gl_detailtexturing placement tweaks related to glPolygonOffset.
gl_offsetfactor * gl_detailtexturing placement tweaks related to glPolygonOffset.
gl_dlightintensity * Controls the amount of flaglight (the higher the value, the bigger the flaglight).
gl_effectfill * Option menu: Effect overdraw
gl_texturemode * The mode used for rendering textures.
gl_detailtexturingdistance * Option menu: Detail texturing range.
gl_detailtexturing * Show textures in detail. A value of 3 will only print the detailed texture that are generaly blended with the original one.
gl_modulate * Option menu: Intensity (lights)
gl_picmip * The level of detailed for textures used on walls.
gl_pictip * Some textures and entities can optionally be set to show if only gl_pictip is disabled.
gl_monolightmap * Toggle the display of all non-dynamic light sources on the map.
gl_clear * Toggle the clearing of the screen between each frame.
gl_bitdepth * Set the colour depth.
gl_driver * Type of video driver currently in use.
gl_mode * Screen resolution variable.
ghl_precache_texture Enable the precaching of textures on GHOUL.
ghl_precache_verts Enable the precaching of vertex lightning on GHOUL.
ghl_pre_cull Enable the rendering of visible objects only.
ghl_no_cull Enable the rendering of visible objects only.
ghl_no_render Disable the view on ghoul.
ghl_wireframe Show/Hide wireframe of all ghoul as such.
ghl_light_multiply * The multiplier of the light projecting on ghouls.
ghl_gllight_max_lights * This sets the Maximum amount of Hardware light sources used during rendering.
ghl_gllight_attenuation * The default is 1. Calculation on how light is refected on GHOUL. Functional only when ghl_light_method is 3 (Hardware).
ghl_gllight_directional * The default is 0. Calculation on how light is refected on GHOUL. Functional only when ghl_light_method is 3 (Hardware).
ghl_gllight_local_viewer * The default is 1. Calculation on how light is refected on GHOUL. Functional only when ghl_light_method is 3 (Hardware).
ghl_obj_fog *
ghl_poly_fact *
ghl_poly_unit *
ghl_max_lights * This sets the Maximum amount of Software light sources used during rendering.
ghl_fast_lights * This will use fast lighting effects/calculations for best performance.
ghl_shadow_dist * The offset distance of someone's (not yours) shadow.
ghl_shadow_tilt * Set the tilt degree of shadows.
ghl_shadow_darkness * Set the density for the darkness of shadows.
ghl_player_shadow * Toggle the use of shadows on ghouls.
ghl_shadows * Option menu: Shadow quality
ghl_no_server_update Stop the server from sending information to ghouls.
ghl_no_texture_stack * (This help to fix problems with 3dfx video driver)
ghl_specular * Option menu: Specular lighting
ghl_light_method * Option menu: Ghoul light method
ghl_mip * Option menu: Skin texture quality
gsc_port * Set the IRC port.
gsc_server * Set the IRC server link.
gsc_user * Set the IRC username.
gsc_nick * Set your IRC nickname.
host_speeds Toggle the display of the game engine's performance statistics.
in_initjoy    - Initialisation of the joystick.
in_initmouse    - Initialisation of the mouse.
in_joystick * Enable the use of joystrick.
in_mouse * Enable the use of mouse.
ipx_clientport    - Set the port for the IPX network protocol for the client port.
ipx_hostport    - Set the port for the IPX network protocol for the host port.
ip_clientport    - Set the port for the IP network protocol for the client port.
ip_hostport    - Set the port for the IP network protocol for the host port.
port    - Set the port for the network protocol.
joy_yawsensitivity * The sensitivity speed for looking left and right.
joy_pitchsensitivity * The speed that you look up and down.
joy_upsensitivity * The sensitivity speed for moving up and down.
joy_sidesensitivity * The sensitivity speed for moving side to side.
joy_forwardsensitivity * The sensitivity speed for moving forward and backward.
joy_yawthreshold * The dead-zone for looking left and right.
joy_pitchthreshold * The dead-zone for looking up and down.
joy_upthreshold * The dead-zone for moving up and down.
joy_sidethreshold * The dead-zone for moving side to side.
joy_forwardthreshold * The dead-zone for moving forward and backward.
joy_advaxisv * Toggle the mapping of the joystick v-axis.
joy_advaxisu * Toggle the mapping of the joystick u-axis.
joy_advaxisr * Toggle the mapping of the joystick r-axis.
joy_advaxisz * Toggle the mapping of the joystick z-axis.
joy_advaxisy * Toggle the mapping of the joystick y-axis.
joy_advaxisx * Toggle the mapping of the joystick x-axis.
joy_advanced * Toggle advanced joystick functions.
joy_avail Info value for the detection of the joystick.
joy_name Joystick name.
log_file_counter This keeps track of the number of levels played. It will append itself to the logfile name each complete level and increment itself by one.
log_file_name * If this is set to a none null string (ie. There is a name), the game stats will be logged to a file.
log_file_footer * This is a string that ends a file.
log_file_header * This is a string output once per level at the beginning of the file.
log_file_line_header * This is a string that goes before each line that is output.
log_file_mode * If this of “o” (the letter) then the logfile will overwrite itself each level. If it is anything else, then the information will be appended to the log file.
log_stats Toggle the logging of map statistics.
m_cursor_accel * Option menu: Mouse emulation top speed.
m_cursor_speed * Option menu: Mouse emulation acceleration.
m_doublespeed * Option menu: Mouse double click speed.
m_filter * Toggle mouse input filtering.
m_side The level of precision when the mouse is used move the player left and right.
m_forward The level of precision when the mouse is used to move the player forward and back.
m_yaw The level of precision when the mouse is used to turn the player left and right.
m_pitch * The level of precision when the mouse is used to make the player look up and down while the +mlook command is in effect.
m_sensitivity_wheel * Sensitivity of your mouse wheel.
m_invert_y * Invert the Y axis looking (swing your mouse down to look up).
m_sensitivity_y * I Sensitivity of your Y axis.
m_invert_x * Invert the X axis looking (swing your mouse left to look right).
m_sensitivity_x * I Sensitivity of your X axis.
map_noareas For debugging culling area from func_areaportal.
menu_mail_available Enables/Disable the mail button in the main menu page.
menu_mouse_y Y axis value of the mouse in the menu.
menu_mouse_x X axis value of the mouse in the menu.
mskins_variety_limit * L Use this to set the variety of skins available for enemy models.
mskins_expression_limit * L Use this to set the amount of facial expressions that can be used by enemy models.
net_socksPassword * Password for the SOCKS5 server.
net_socksUsername * Username for the SOCKS5 server.
net_socksPort * The port used by the SOCKS5 server.
net_socksServer * This is the IP of the server that is physically connected to the internet.
net_socksEnabled * To enable use of a SOCKS5 server to talk to the outside world.
net_ttl *
net_mainip * - To specify the main IP index (use ip_list to see the IPs).
net_receiverate Simulate internet packetloss on a LAN. Setting to 0.66 will fail to receive one third of packets.
net_sendrate Simulate internet packetloss on a LAN. Setting to 0.33 will not send a random two thirds of packets.
net_shownet [A vague clue indicate a relation with WinSock along with the cvars noipx, noudp.]
r_dynamic Toggle dynamic lightning for a not specific OpenGL rendering.
r_lightlevel Save off light value for server to look at.
r_warnings Show with a full screen color if your map is at risk of overflow.
r_speeds Toggle the display of information about the renderer performance.
r_nocull Toggle the rendering of objects which are covered up.
r_novis Toggle the use of VIS information from the map data.
r_drawworld Set to 0 to hide everything (everything becomes black) Not recommended!
r_drawentities Toggle the display of object entities on the map (Weapons, Pick-ups etc.).
r_fullbright Toggle the use of lights at full brightness on the map (set to 1 to eliminate all shadows).
r_norefresh Toggle the redrawing of the game screen.
r_nearclipdist Minimum distance view able on textures.
r_farclipdist Maximum distance view able on textures.
r_force_sgi_software    - I Force the rendering on SGI software OpenGL drivers.
r_iaf * Set the translucent texture format.
r_isf * Set the texture format.
rcon_address Set the IP address to remotely use the rcon_password.
rcon_password set the rcon password to control a server.
s_testsound Plays a '702 Hz def beep' to test your sound.
s_show Prints off each sound as it goes off.
s_disable Disables all sound.
s_initsound Switches on certain sounds.
s_musicenabled * Enable/disable background music.
s_primary * Exclusive DS Buffer.
s_loadas8bit * Toggle the loading of sound samples in 8-bit mode.
s_khz * Sound frequency.
s_musicvolume * The volume for music in the game.
s_volume * The volume for sound effects in the game.
s_mixahead * Set the delay of sounds.
s_nosound * Toggle the playback of sound effects in the game.
s3tc_avail Info value for the detection of S3TC texture compression.
sk_maxencum     L Set the carring capacity in single player (0 for unlimited).
sk_toughness     L Set the monsters toughness.
sk_saving     L Set the limit of saving in single player.
sk_spawning     L Set the spwan frequency on monsters.
sp_language * I Display text language type.
stat_moneyadd Show stat of money earned (single player).
stat_playedtime_base Show stat of time spend on levels (single player).
stat_playedtime Show stat of all time spend on levels (single player).
stat_cashearned Show total of money earned (single player).
stat_savesused Show number of save(s) used (single player).
stat_gibs Show number of time client shooted on monster's gibs.
stat_headshots Show number of time client shooted on monster's head (single player).
stat_nutshots Show number of time client shooted on monster's nut (single player).
stat_throatshots Show number of time client shooted on monster's throat (single player).
stat_friendlieskilled Show number of time client killed no threat monster (single player).
stat_guyskilled Show number of people killed.
sv_altpmodlistfile * L Specify the secondary file used for pmodels.
sv_enforcetime This disallows out of order client packets if set. Out of order packets are a normal part of internet play, but could potentially be used for cheating.
sv_flash_big_ents Toggle the use for an admin, flashing big entities such as func_wall after hitting a dimention of size.
sv_gravity This is the gravity used for the game. A number less than the default will let you jump higher, 0 being a weightless environment.
sv_gravityx Set the gravity only for the X vector.
sv_gravityy Set the gravity only for the Y vector.
sv_gravityz Set the gravity only for the Z vector.
sv_jumpcinematic * Skip the cinematic sequence.
sv_maplist List your map in map list rotation.
sv_maplistfile * This is the file that contains the list of maps to run through.
sv_max_ghoul_mp * The maximum size of a Ghoul network packet. (default 200)
sv_maxvelocity Clamps the velocity of any player to this value no matter what. This is so the networking works on consistent data. Increasing this could cause physics issues over the network. (Default: 20000)
sv_no_big_ents Toggle the use for an admin, disabling the view on big entities such as func_wall after hitting a dimention of size.
sv_pmodlistfile * L Specify the file used for pmodels.
sv_quicksave_index *
sv_reconnect_limit * The minimum number of seconds between connection attempts. Used to prevent flooding with multiple connection attempts.
sv_restartlevel When the player dies, space bar restarts the level.
sv_rollangle The rolling angle from the player.
sv_rollspeed The return speed from rolling angle.
sv_showdamage Display informations about the amount of damage ininflicted on textures (developer mode must be activated).
sv_show_strip Append the text "STRIP-" to any used strip package messages.
sv_suicidepenalty * S Penalty for blowing up oneself.
sv_violence   S L Value of violence to be played.
scr_menuoverlay Freeze your screen.
scr_drawall Toggle the display of extended characters on the client's display.
scr_centertime The amount of time in seconds that center printed messages stay on the screen.
scr_showpause Toggle the display of a graphical icon when the game is paused.
scr_showturtle Toggle the display of a graphical icon when the frame rate in the game drops below 10 frames-per-second.
scr_conspeed The speed at which the console screen lowers.
scr_printspeed The speed at which the final message is displayed at the end of each episode.
scr_interface * Show/Hide your Head-up Display (HUD).
snd_dll * Select sound file driver.
team_red_blue *U I Force player to equal the team.
tip_duration * The time game messages are displayed.
use_amd3d Set to 1 to enable support for 3DNow optimisations on AMD CPUs. - User-adjustable
use_ff * Set to 1 to enable support for the Force Feedback technology.
use_mmx Set to 1 to enable support for MMX optimisations on all Intel CPU’s. - *not* User-adjustable
vid_card * Specify the video card brand that you are currently using.
vid_brightness * Variable setting on video brightness.
vid_contrast * Variable setting on video contrast.
vid_gamma * Variable setting on video gamma.
vid_fullscreen * Switch to a fullscreen video mode specified in the vid_fullscreen_mode variable.
vid_ypos * Set the Y position of the game in windows mode (Not full screen).
vid_xpos * Set the X position of the game in windows mode (Not full screen).
vid_ref * Video reference for image rendering.
slug_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
fuel_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
battery_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
rockets_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
shells_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
a556_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
a44_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
a9mm_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
aknife_info Display some internal info about the ammo.
medkit_info Display some internal info about the equip item.
armor_info Display some internal info about the equip item.
goggles_info Display some internal info about the equip item.
grenade_info Display some internal info about the equip item.
c4_info Display some internal info about the equip item.
fpak_info Display some internal info about the equip item.
mpg_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
rocket_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
flamegun_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
slugger_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
machinegun_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
mpistol_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
assault_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
shotgun_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
sniper_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
pistol2_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
pistol1_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
knife_info Display some internal info about the weapon.
graphsize Set the width of "Lag-o-Meter" in percentages.
graphwidth Set the zoom level of the Lag-o-Meter.
graphshift Set the height of the Lag-o-Meter.
graphscale Set the scale of your netgraph.
graphheight Set the height of your netgreaph.
locked_summary Display the numbers of locked servers.
server_summary Display the numbers of active servers.
player_summary Display the numbers of Active/Slots clients in servers.
dedicated    - Set for dedicated server mode.
nextserver Execute the specified alias after a demo finishes playing.
predicting U User information for server admin about weapon predicting.
spectator U Set to 1 to go into spectator mode.
spectator_password set a spectator password.
password U Set a password.
freezeworld Disable a few part of the engine mechanic.
maxentities     L Maximum numbers of entities allowed to be spawned.
debuggraph This is in the client code, but can be used for debugging from server.
timegraph toggles display of graph showing time to draw screen.
netgraph Displays a netgraph which records packet loss.
showclamp Toggle the display of clamping information which relates to network performance.
timedemo Toggle the extrapolation of frames to maintain constant game speed.
paused Set to "1" to pause a game.
zombietime When a client gets dropped (lagged out, etc), the game continues to send messages to the client for this many seconds.
timeout Time left to a client that became a zombie.
filterban Usage of a ban list
weaponarena S L Sets all pickups in the game to the objtype_t in weaponarena.
public Register the server with the GameSpy master server. Other people will be able to see your server through the ingame browsers.
deathmatch S L This sets the game to the regular every man for himself fragfest.
protocol S- The version number of the SoF1 game protocol.
cheats S L Disables cheats. Set to 1 if you wish to let players use cheat commands.
skill S L The difficulty setting for the game.
gamespyport    - Set server gamespy port.
hostport    - Set host port.
qport    - The random internal network protocol port for Network Address Translation schemes.
showdrop Toggle the display of information about dropped network packets.
showpackets Prints all recieved and sent packets to and from the server.
ip    -
ipxfix Fix difficulty with the support of IPX network protocol.
noipx    - Disable game support for the IPX/SPX network protocol.
noudp    - Disable support for the TCP/IP network protocol.
version S- Display the version information about the game. (write protected).
showtrace Toggle the display of network packet tracing information.
logfile Create a .txt file with server/client log activities.
fixedtime Enable forced display of all game frames (slows the game as needed to render frames that would have otherwise been skipped).
timescale Server scripting speed.
developer Toggle the use of developer mode and the display of internal game information.
maxclients * S L Only allow upto this many players at once on this server.
maxspectators S L Only allow upto this many spectators at any one time.
fov *U The size in degrees of the field-of-vision that the player sees.
bestweap *U Option menu: Weapon switching.
msg *U Toggle the display of messages from 0 to 3. The higher the number, the less messages.
rate *U Maximum number of bytes the server will send to the client.
skin *U Select your skin.
teamname *U Select team name.
adr19 * Favourite IP adress.
adr18 * Favourite IP adress.
adr17 * Favourite IP adress.
adr16 * Favourite IP adress.
adr15 * Favourite IP adress.
adr14 * Favourite IP adress.
adr13 * Favourite IP adress.
adr12 * Favourite IP adress.
adr11 * Favourite IP adress.
adr10 * Favourite IP adress.
adr9 * Favourite IP adress.
adr8 * Favourite IP adress.
adr7 * Favourite IP adress.
adr6 * Favourite IP adress.
adr5 * Favourite IP adress.
adr4 * Favourite IP adress.
adr3 * Favourite IP adress.
adr2 * Favourite IP adress.
adr1 * Favourite IP adress.
adr0 * Favourite IP adress.
hostname * S This is the name of your server as appears in the server browsers.
timelimit * S Set a game time limit for your server. Set to 0 for no limit.
fraglimit * S Exit the current level should any one person reach this many kills. Set to 0 to disable this check.
health           M After completing a mission, information is stored about your current functional life health.
medkit         E After completing a mission, information is stored about your current amount of medkit carrying.
armor         E After completing a mission, information is stored about your current effective amount of armor.
grenade         E After completing a mission, information is stored about your current amount of grenade carrying.
goggles         E After completing a mission, information is stored about your current time available for using the night goggle.
c4         E After completing a mission, information is stored about your current amount of plastique C4 carrying.
fpak         E After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the flash pack.
slug          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the slugthrower.
fuel          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the flamethrower.
battery          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the microwave pulse gun.
rockets          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the rocket launcher.
a556          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the smg/sniper/hmg.
shells          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the shotgun.
a9mm          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the pistol/suppress smg.
a44          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the .44 pistol.
aknife          A After completing a mission, information is stored about your current ammo for the knife.
mpg        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the microwave pulse gun.
rocket        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the rocket launcher.
flamegun        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the flamethrower.
slugger        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the slugthrower.
machinegun        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the heavy machinegun.
mpistol        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the suppressed smg.
assault        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the smg.
shotgun        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the shotgun.
sniper        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the sniper rifle.
pistol2        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the .44 pistol.
pistol1        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the 9mm pistol.
knife        W After completing a mission, information is stored whether or not you are carrying the knife.
basedir    - The location of the game data files.
bob_up Set the tilting view height when moving.
bob_pitch Set the vertical bobbing angle density when moving.
bob_roll Set the horizontal bobbing angle density when moving.
run_pitch Set the vertical tilting angle density when moving.
run_roll Set the horizontal tilting angle density when moving.
lock_blood Allows player to view enemy bleeding.
lock_death Allows player to view violent animations.
lock_gorezones Allows player to view body damage en enemies.
lock_sever Allows player to remove limbs from enemies.
lock_textures Allows player to view mature content textures.
lock_pure Allows player to connect to non-pure, community modified versions of Soldier of Fortune.
low_violence    - This set the game to be played exclusively in low violence mode making the password protected menu prohibited of access.
camera_viewdist Set the camera distance when following enemies.
cddir    - Specify the path of the game which is located in a CD rom.
ctf_flag_captured     L Set to 1 to automatically ends the game as if all flags has been captured.
ctf_loops_count Count the number of flags that both teams captured together.
crosshair * Toggle the display of an aiming crosshair.
dmflags * S L This configures certain aspects of the game.
flushmap Toggle the flushing of map during map changes.
mapname S- Display the current map loaded.
freelook * Enable the use of looking up and down with the mouse.
followenemy Target the camera to an enemy in single player.
game S L Start the game using the files from a mission pack or a mod.
gamedate S L Display the game date version.
gamename S L Set "game" variable string upon the first single player play.
lookstrafe Toggle the automatic strafing when the +klook command is used.
lookspring Toggle the centering of the screen after the -klook command.
name *U The player's name.
nodamage A value of '1' will make you almost invincible from monsters. A value of '2' will make you invincible from monsters.
pickupinfo S L Do we want to track pickup information for the next level?
user S- specify the 'user' folder path.
shownames * I Show player name upon skin.
stealth Show/hide stealth meter.
thirdpersoncam Heretic II style camera if followenemy is -1.
viewsize * The size of the viewable game screen.
welcome_mess * This is the message every new player joining a game will see (it can be a maximum of 255 characters).
win_broken *
win_noaltenter * Option menu: Disable fullscreen toggle.
win_noalttab * Option menu: Disable task switching.
console    - Toggle console.
624 cvars
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by MinatO »

Anyone knows where you can find the minimum and maximum values of each cvar?
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by Persian »

no clue... Perhaps Cheaterskeeter, Acadie or CTRL?
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by MinatO »

Persian where did you get this list btw? and is it complete?

Was going through some old autoexecs from zoomy, bob etc and lots of commands are not in the list (listed between code for example).

Either guys from the past, tried out cvars from quake which didn't exist in SOF1, or the above cvar list is not complete.

Code: Select all

set cl_allowdownload			"1"		// Allow downloads
set cl_allowupload			"1"		// Allow uploads
set cl_backspeed			"900"		// Backward movement speed
set cl_himodels				"1"		// High Quality Models ON

set _snd_mixahead			"0.100"		//Maximum Performance
set bgmvolume				"0"		//No CD Music
set hisound				"1"		//High Quality Sound on
set s_a3d				"0"		//A3D OFF
set s_eax				"1"		//EAX ON
set s_reverb				"0"		//Reverb off
set hud_fastswitch			"1"		//Fast Weapon Selection
set r_mmx				"1"		//Enables MMX Support which transfers some memory from your CPU to GFX card
set gl_overbright			"1"		// Maximum brightness
set violence_ablood			"1"		//Standard Blood on
set violence_agibs			"1"		//Standard gibs on
set violence_hblood			"1"		//Extra blood on
set violence_hgibs			"1"		//Enables extra gibs aka dead bodyparts
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by Pazey »

Most of the commands are from other games if you want to laugh you should look at Lubo's autoexec :clap:
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by MinatO »

So I can assume the list from persian is the complete one?
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by smokestaH »

Just ask ctrl.
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by d3nd3 »

i think will dump all cvars in existent at that time when you call it

cvars can come into existent at any time within the game
eg menus can create cvars when they want to or need to

sofplus has many cvars, so a client with sofplus and runs cvarlist will have different to a non sofplus client

a server will have a different cvarlist to a client too

so if you experiment with cvarlist and condump , also extend console max lines buffer

con_maxlines 10000 //this is extreme
con_buffersize 25000 //this too
condump list1.txt

also be aware of cmdlist, which does the same things except for commands, commands are like functions, they take arguments. say hello world is an example of a command, "hello world" is its args ( arg string ), its argv[1] might be hello and its argv[2] might be word, its argc would be 3,since the arguments are understood by being space seperated

references to quake 2 lists are helpful ... iicom.html

note there are many FPS games which have autoexecs and configs, so yes people have just copied and pasted from there, also a lot of cvars are for singleplayer, so completely useless for multiplayer, but the players are better safe than sorry ;0
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Re: Complete CVAR list with explanation

Post by MinatO »

Thanks for that explanation Dende, i'm gonna try that out tomorrow @work.

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